Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Beauty update: Olive&Coconut Body Butter

My big brother is currently visiting from China for a family friends wedding - Plus it is winter there right now so he came to grab a few rays of sun. He works as an explorer for a Chinese mining company in Mongolia so spends much of his time either on the field in the middle of nowhere or running around Bejing at the office. We all know that the pollution levels in a big city like Beijing have to take a massive toll on your skin as well as working on the field in the Mongolian desert you have to deal with things like... extreme cold, living in a tent for weeks, no showers, crappy food and long hours working. Needless to say I quite happily assumed him as one of my patients and set about creating a body butter for him that will protect his skin form the harsh conditions and stop it from drying out constantly.

Ulziit Ovoo Exploration camp - My brother uses the Mongolian
yurt as sleeping accommodation.
I have chosen in this body butter to use extra virgin olive and extra virgin coconut as my base oils as well as use my usual ingredients of coco butter and beeswax. I have also put a decent amount of pure lanolin to this mixture to really fortify the skin during those cold months.

1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 cup Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
2 Tbl Beeswax
2 Tbl Coco Butter
2 tsp Pure Lanolin
1 cup of water
30 drops sweet orange essential oil

1. In a double boiler slowly melt together all ingredients minus the water
2. In a separate pot at the same time slowly heat the cup of water till almost boiling
3. Take both pots off heat and let cool for 10 minutes
4. In the food processor scrape out all of the oil combination and pulse for 10 seconds
5. Slowly add the water to the oil mixture keeping the processor at a low speed constantly
6. Once all water is added pulse again for 10 seconds
7. Mix in the essential oil of your choice and pulse again for 5-10 seconds
8. Pour in pots and let cool before sealing.


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