Friday, February 22, 2013

Not just dreaming of gazpacho

Hola amigos! TGIF!

My tickets are finally booked for Spain and I have less than 3 months left here in beautiful New Zealand. This summer has been amazing - I have barely seen rain and the sun has been shining all summer long. There has been one thing however that I have been missing and that is my favorite summer cool-down drink/soup Gazpacho.

When I was living in Spain the first time I was taught how to make Gazpacho from a lovely Spanish woman I was staying with (back in 2008). And ever since then I have been drinking cartons of gazpacho throughout the long summer spanish days. It is so common to drink there you can just roll into the local shop and buy a carton of it in whatever size you want. It is perfect when it is so hot your appetite is off and you do not feel like eating.

There is such a variety of recipes but here is one I used today and it was a total hit with the family.


1Kg of Ripe tomatoes

1 small green capsicum

2 cloves of garlic
1/2 onion
3 Tbsp of Olive oil
2 Tbsp of White wine vinegar
salt and pepper to taste


1. To first remove the skins of the tomatoes place the tomatoes in a boiling pot of water for a few seconds. The skin should start to split.
2. Remove them from the water and peel the skin off.
3. Put the tomatoes in a food processor along with all other ingredients and blend until smooth
4. Pour into a jug with a lot of ice and drink!


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