Monday, March 11, 2013

Mid-Autumn heat wave and cakes.

There has certainly been a delay with blogging in the last few weeks and that is because I have found myself ridiculously busy working my 'real' job and setting out a plan for our return to Barcelona. I have to say with these beautiful and hot sunny days it is hard to imagine the winter is coming here in New Zealand, everything seems so alive! I walk out of my bedroom (garage) into the garden and all around me I am surrounded by bright bursts of colours throughout the garden. The flowers are going bonkers and the herb garden is bushy. It has been so dry but I always manage to water the garden with left over water from my nephews swimming pool (probably with 1/2 litre of his pee too, grosse I know).

Anyway - continuing on in our summer fashion we have been having many BBQ's and dinners with friends, enjoying the warm afternoon and drinking a beer or two.

Last weekend I made a classic Edmonds banana cake with Lemon & Coconut icing.

Expect this week a blog entry or two for the next BEAUTY UPDATE. I have lots of potions to make before I set off to Spain. Considering the water quality in Barcelona is so crap and full of pretty much everything I want to make sure I take some great oil mixtures and moisturisers to really protect my hair and skin.

Have a lovely week everyone!

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